Product Updates

Introducing Privacy Assessments

Written by William Chia | Nov 17, 2022 2:01:00 PM

Conducting regular privacy assessments is a core privacy practice. From assessing the privacy impact of a new tool your team wants to implement to keeping records of how your organization processes data, assessments form the backbone of a well-run privacy program. Now, you can use Osano to conduct, manage, and track privacy assessments—including Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and Records of Processing Activities (RoPAs)—all from a central, secure location.

Are spreadsheets spreading you thin? 

For many organizations, the default tool for doing privacy assessments are Excel spreadsheets or Google Sheets. While spreadsheets offer great flexibility, the lack of guardrails can make the entire process confusing and frustrating. It’s like driving your family on vacation, but your car doesn’t have any seat belts or brakes. You may be able to reach the destination, but not without a lot of risk and stress. Finding the right questions to ask and the right people to answer them, along with making sure the assessment questions get answered correctly and in a timely manner, becomes a manual effort most folks don’t want to sign up for. 

Get there safely with Osano Assessments

With so much changing and so much to do, you may feel like your privacy program is always a bit behind. If you want to speed up your program and get there faster, while also keeping your assessments secure and compliant, Osano can help. 

Osano provides a simple, centralized set of assessment templates that can get you started quickly with high-quality assessments, designed by Osano’s privacy experts, and based on industry-standard best practices, such as guidance issued by the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

How to use Osano Assessments

DPIA and RoPA are available today, with more assessment templates coming soon. 

  1. Log in to 
  2. Navigate to Assessments
  3. Select the green + button to create a new assessment
  4. Provide a name and select a template (RoPA or DPIA) 
  5. Select a user to be assigned the assessment
  6. The assignee will be able to follow the step-by-step instructions
  7. See the Assessments documentation for a full set of quick start guides