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Welcome to our team member spotlight series! In this blog, get to know Tyson Stewart, one of the senior software engineers here at Osano. Tyson has been in the software-as-a-service industry for more than 15 years, working at all levels of the web technology stack, and occasionally as a manager when needed. Outside of professional work, he likes to run, accumulate knowledge about many different topics, and experience other cultures with his partner via travel and food.

1. Why did you decide to join Osano? Tell us the story of how you became an Osanian.

I was in my previous job for 10 years and I wanted a change. I had been managing engineers for several years and was hungry to get back to working as an individual contributor in a field that I’m passionate about — privacy.

2. Describe the company in one word. What made you choose that word?

Experienced. Osano knows how to hire people who know what we’re doing so that we can accomplish our mission.

3. What do you do in your current role?

As a software engineer on the Consent Management Platform team, I’m responsible for building new features that will benefit our customers, ensuring high quality, and shipping solutions consistently on-time.

4. What made you want to join a data privacy company? What drew you to this industry?

Data privacy affects every single one of us and in increasing measures. More and more of our lives and interactions are captured by connected devices. Cloud computing and the development of algorithms and machine learning have enabled organizations to sort through that data, analyze it, and act on it. It’s not always for our individual benefit, and often, we give away our data for free or cheap. We need to change that.

5. Which of Osano’s core values do you identify with the most? Why?

Operational Excellence. As a former Engineering Director, I understand how being good at this is the foundation of a successful company and how important quality engineering is to achieving that excellence.

6. What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?

I love to travel to new places and try new cuisine. On a more frequent basis, I really enjoy gathering with close friends and playing board/tabletop games.

7. Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at Osano? Personal anecdotes, favorite team activities, ways your life has changed since starting your position, or anything else?

Being an engineer at Osano has been the best professional experience I’ve had. My teammates all care deeply about their roles and our mission. It’s a great organization to be a part of.


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Privacy Policy Checklist

Are you in the process of refreshing your current privacy policy or building a whole new one? Are you scratching your head over what to include? Use this interactive checklist to guide you.

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