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Cookie Consent by Osano

Cookie Consent: Maximum Compliance. Minimum Effort.

Osano Cookie Consent simplifies consent management.

Ensure compliance with regulations in 50+ countries, save resources, and maintain brand trust with out-of-the-box compliant banner templates backed by Osano’s global team of privacy experts and the industry’s only "No Fines. No Penalties.” pledge.

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JOIN 1000+ Companies using Osano

Why Osano for Cookie Consent

Osano Cookie Consent is the industry-leading consent management platform (CMP) due to its reliability, flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. Other CMPs require complex integration work to implement, expert privacy and legal knowledge to use, and hours upon hours of maintenance—often to deliver imperfect compliance. Osano quickly and simply supplies you with a foundation for robust compliance, no matter where your customers are located or what laws protect them.

Confidence in Your Compliance

Osano Cookie Consent ensures your organization can rest easy knowing their website’s compliance is well supported. No matter where a website visitor is located, Osano displays a banner in full compliance with local regulations in the language of the visitors’ preference. Consent records are stored in a reliable quantum ledger database so you can easily audit and demonstrate compliance

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Get compliant banner templates for 50+ countries out-of-the-box

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Automatically display the right banner in the right language

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Stay protected by the industry’s only “No Fines, No Penalties” pledge


Platform Agnostic and Flexible

However you and your audience choose to connect, Osano Cookie Consent will be there to support the compliant, consensual collection of data. Osano is easy to implement on your website—requiring just one additional line of code to your website’s header—or you can implement it on dozens of the largest web platforms, like WordPress, Squarespace, and more. If you need to manage consent on a mobile app, don’t worry; Osano supports iOS and Android, too.

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Install on your website with a single line of JavaScript.

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Manage consent on iOS and Android

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Automatically process opt-out signals, like the Global Privacy Control (GPC)

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Designed for Scalability

As your organization grows, Osano Cookie Consent scales with you. The platform provides multiple methods for controlling access and managing consent across multiple domains and jurisdictions. Osano is highly performant and keeps your site speedy, even if you receive millions of visitors a day.

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Support unlimited domains

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Fast, performant JavaScript

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Limit access to consent configurations to only those that need it


Maximum Usability

Compliance solutions are only as useful as they are easy to use. If your cookie consent solution requires you to become a legal and technical expert before you can use it, then the result will be more demands on your time, greater cost, and a weaker compliance posture to show for it. Osano provides compliant banner templates for data privacy regulations in 50+ countries and is easy to implement. Our global team of privacy experts are continually monitoring the data privacy regulatory landscape and translate those legal requirements into the platform software—so you don’t have to.

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Install on your website with a single line of JavaScript

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Developed and maintained by privacy experts

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Customize your banners to stay on brand

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What Is Cookie Consent?

Cookies are small text files stored on a user's device when they visit a website. These text files can be used to record data on the different ways a user behaves and interacts with a website, such as which products they’re interested in, which websites they’ve been to, and other personal information. Cookie consent refers to the act of obtaining explicit user consent before placing cookies or similar tracking technologies on their devices. Since cookies can reveal a lot of personal information about a user, data privacy laws require websites that use cookies to adhere to certain requirements, like: 

  • Provide clear and concise information about the use of cookies, typically provided in a cookie banner or pop-up that appears when the user visits the website. 
  • Obtain consent from the user before placing first- or third-party cookies on their device or give them a means of opting out of the use of cookies depending on the local laws. 
  • Provide users with a way to withdraw their consent at any time. 
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Gain Compliance. Lose the Legwork. 

Osano Cookie Consent includes compliant banner templates out of the box. Automatically display compliant banners for 50+ countries in 45+ languages based on the geolocation of each visitor, ensuring you meet local laws effectively.

As regulations evolve, the Osano team updates the banner templates so you don’t have to, minimizing your risk of non-compliance. Push the latest compliant banners live to your website with the click of a button.  

Consent Management - map

Get Simple Cookie Consent 

Osano's auto-discovery and auto-categorization of site tags minimize the manual effort involved in cookie auditing and inventory management.

Get started quickly by copying a single line of JavaScript to your webpage, significantly reducing the need for the intensive engineering effort usually required for website and mobile app consent management. Be fully implemented in hours, not weeks.   

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Increase Trust. Drive Growth. 

Customize banner design, tone, and color to match your website's branding. Comply with consent laws while keeping the impact on marketing effectiveness to an absolute minimum. Pre-optimized banner templates facilitate clear, compliant consent, as well as marketing performance, without the need for time-consuming A/B testing.

Osano’s simple installation maintains compatibility with your marketing tech stack, including your CMS and analytics tools, so you can be sure Osano will work seamlessly on your website. 

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Discover actionable compliance tips straight from our team of legal and privacy experts through our blogs, webinars, eBooks, guides, and more.

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Building Compliance into Marketing Operations Puts Privacy First

Lattice uses Osano to eliminate operational complexity, align marketing and compliance teams, and fulfill its promise of being a privacy-first organization.

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Cookie Consent

Creating a business and its corresponding online presence is a lot of responsibility. It can take a lot of time, research, management, and monitoring to ensure that you’re doing your due diligence to protect your customers and your business from allegations of privacy violations. These days, cookie consent management is the number one task that businesses need to worry about when it comes to protecting their customers, obeying the law, and preserving their reputation.

Let’s quickly walk through four of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to cookie consent. 

What are cookies? 

Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s browser that tracks and collect data, such as their name, geographical location, IP address, and more. Cookies can also track which web pages the user visited and how long they spent on the site. Cookies are often used for marketing purposes and enable businesses to gain data on the sort of people their customers are. They’re a great tool for you to reach your target market—but it’s important to use them correctly, or you could find itself on the wrong side of the law.  

What is cookie consent? 

When you visit a new website, you might see a banner pop up at the bottom of your screen with a cookie notice to accept or reject cookies or customize the type of cookies you do accept. The act of accepting cookies is cookie consent.  

But it’s more complicated than just that. For instance, there is opt-in consent and opt-out consent. In the former case, you have to actually click “accept” and opt into the use of cookies before they can load on your browser. In the latter case, the banner might inform you that cookies are active and provide a link to stop them from tracking you—you have to opt out of thus use of cookies in this case. 

Different laws require different kinds of cookie consent, which we’ll get into later on in the article. 

What laws require cookie consent? 

Before the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), there were no cookie consent laws in the United States. There still aren’t any laws at the federal level regarding cookie consent, though several other states now feature data privacy laws. Most will be familiar with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, also known as GDPR. Many other countries and regions are also beginning to pass similar cookie laws. 

Do I need a cookie policy on my website? 

If your website uses cookies, the short answer is yes, you need a cookie policy. Even if your business isn’t physically located in a jurisdiction covered by a cookie consent law, you may still receive web traffic from those regions and process the personal data of people protected by such a law. While you can tailor your cookie notices to only appear to residents within a given location, asking for cookie consent from all of your website visitors is a best practice. 

Cookie consent requirements 

One of the cookie consent requirements under the GDPR (and most other data privacy laws) is that consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. Specifically, this also means that in order to be compliant with GDPR, website visitors must choose to opt in before you can drop cookies onto their browser. That’s in contrast to opt-out laws, where cookies can be loaded until the user says otherwise.  

When they’re permitted to by their governing law, many businesses use an opt-out model since some visitors default to rejecting cookies or exit cookie banners without indicating their preference. The CPRA is an example of a law that allows businesses to do this. 

The CPRA’s cookie consent requirements are a little different from the GDPR. While CPRA does not expressly require that a company use opt-in consent for their cookies, they do require companies to disclose that cookies are being used and what the information gathered will be used for. Under the CPRA and other data privacy laws, data collected by cookies is considered personal information. The CPRA gives California residents the right to request access or deletion of their personal information, including data collected by cookies.  

The basics of cookie consent requirements across the GDPR, CPRA, and other cookie laws is to first disclose that your website uses cookies, how you use cookies, and what rights visitors have in regard to the use of cookies. This can be done with a pop-up notice or a banner at the bottom of the website.  

Cookie consent popups 

A cookie consent manager uses banners or popups to collect consent, provide privacy disclosures, and meet other requirements under the law. Some consumers have also started to use universal preference signals, like the Global Privacy Control, as a means of bypassing these cookie consent popups, but most still expect to indicate their consent on a cookie popup. To be compliant, many laws require you to accept consent through both avenues. 

As described previously, opt-in and opt-out cookie consent popups are the two main approaches to cookie consent. There are also notice-only cookie banners, which inform the visitor that the website uses cookies but doesn’t provide any mechanism for opting into or out of their use. The only choices a user has with a notice-only banner is to disable cookies in their browser entirely or leave the website. These banners, however, are increasingly uncommon and are not compliant with most modern data privacy laws. 

Cookie consent examples 

Not every website does cookie consent in the same way. As we mentioned earlier, there are three different kinds of consent (opt-in, opt-out, and notice-only), and not all forms of consent are compliant with data privacy laws.  

Other regional requirements may also exist—for example, Brazil, Canada, U.S. states, and other jurisdictions all have privacy laws that with different requirements around cookie consent. Cookie consent tools make it simple for businesses to properly display the appropriate cookie consent banners based on the user’s location—but what do those cookie banners actually look like?  

Let’s look at a cookie consent example from Osano. We use the Osano Consent Management Platform (CMP) to manage cookies on our website. Osano CMP automatically detects where a visitor is located and delivers the corresponding banner, so if a visitor came from an opt-out jurisdiction, a banner would appear stating that “This website stores data such as cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well as marketing, personalization, and analytics. By remaining on this website, you indicate your consent.” The banner then links to our cookie policy. 

cookie notice

Our cookie policy provides clear instructions on how visitors can turn off or customize their cookies, which is accomplished by clicking the Osano Cookie Consent Tool icon in the lower left-hand of the visitors’ screen (if they’re visiting a website that uses Osano to manage consent).  

Users are then presented with toggles to accept or reject marketing, personalization, and analytics cookies, as well as an option to opt out of the sale or share of personal information for targeted advertising (not pictured here). 

If a visitor were to come to osano.com from a jurisdiction that is subject to the GDPR, then the banner might look something like this: 

Note that each country subject to the GDPR has its own requirements for cookie banners. 

Taking a look at cookie consent examples from other businesses may give you an idea of what sort of banner you need to display on your website.  

GDPR cookie consent 

The Osano cookie banner shown above serves as a good GDPR cookie consent example. GDPR cookie consent requirements dictate that an organization must: 

  • Obtain user consent before deploying any cookies except strictly necessary cookies. 
  • Inform users how and why the cookies collect data and what it is being used for. 
  • Record and store cookie consent from users. 
  • Allow users to access the site or service even if they withdraw consent from certain cookies. 
  • Create a process for removing consent and cookies that makes it as simple as possible. 

Cookie consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. That is the direct language from Article 4 of GDPR 

It is also common to include a link to your cookie policy that includes greater detail about the cookies your website uses. This is a great place to provide more information about cookie customization and let your users know what they are giving up when they decline unnecessary cookies such as marketing or analytics cookies.   

Cookie consent managers 

A cookie consent manager is a software tool that helps businesses secure cookie consent from website visitors, manage cookies based on the visitor’s consent preferences, and record that consent. Osano serves as an example of this class of solutions—websites running Osano automatically deploy a cookie consent banner that complies with the visitor’s local data privacy law and language preference. 

A cookie consent management tool can be a major asset to a business seeking to remain compliant with ever-changing data privacy laws. There can be hefty fines for GPDR noncompliance. For example, Amazon was issued an $877 million fine in 2021 for GDPR violations. Most organizations won’t be accruing GDPR violations at the same rate as Amazon, but GDPR fines can still be an existential threat to a growing business. 

Rather than use a consent manager, some businesses opt for GDPR cookie consent plugins for WordPress or similar plugins for web tools. The trouble is, these plugins often offer the bare bones of compliance. They often provide a one-size-fits-all cookie consent popup that is either excessively strict (causing you to be in compliance but lose out on value business intelligence) or too permissive (leaving you noncompliant in many jurisdictions). 

Cookie consent plugins also lack many of the ancillary benefits that make compliance many times similar. The Osano cookie consent manager, for instance, also provides cookie policy templates that are easy to tailor to your business—other approaches to cookie compliance force you to develop those policies from scratch. 

Rather than rely on plugins or subpar solutions, businesses looking for the best cookie consent manager should keep an eye out for solutions that:   

  • Discover cookies and other data trackers running on your website. 
  • Recommended cookie categories (like marketing, personalization, etc.) that users can individually consent to or reject. 
  • Automatically display the appropriate banner and language to visitors based on their governing laws and language preferences. 
  • Function without requiring complicated integrations into your tag manager or manual tweaks to your codebase. 
  • Maintain a history of users’ past cookie consent preferences to prove compliance should the need arise. 

Where to learn more 

Cookie consent management is a complicated topic, and there’s only so much we can explore in a blog post. There are other questions to answer, like: 

  • How do you set up a cookie consent program? 
  • What is involved in cookie consent? Is it just putting a banner up on your site
  • When should you ask for tracking consent and show the cookie policy? 
  • How do you update a cookie list for GDPR cookie consent? 
  • What happens if you don't use a cookie consent policy on my website? 

We explore these and other questions in our free ebook, Cookie Consent Management FAQ. You can download a copy here. If you're curious to learn more about data privacy software in general, just schedule a demo with our product experts.


Simplify Data Privacy Compliance

With Osano, building, managing, and scaling your privacy program becomes simple. Schedule a demo or try a free 30-day trial today.