• Platform
    • The Osano Platform Overview

      Get an overview of the simple, all-in-one data privacy platform

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      Cookie Consent

      Manage consent for data privacy laws in 50+ countries

    • user-square
      Subject Rights Management

      Streamline and automate the DSAR workflow

    • assessments primary 200

      Efficiently manage assessment workflows using custom or pre-built templates

    • Unified Consent primary 200
      Unified Consent & Preference Hub

      Streamline consent, utilize non-cookie data, and enhance customer trust

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      Data Mapping

      Automate and visualize data store discovery and classification

    • shield-tick
      Vendor Privacy Risk Management

      Ensure your customers’ data is in good hands

    • Features & Integrations

      Key Features & Integrations

    • Privacy Templates
    • GDPR Representative
    • Consult Privacy Team
    • Regulatory Guidance
    • Integrations
  • Solutions
    • By Regulation
    • CPRA

      Discover how Osano supports CPRA compliance

    • CCPA

      Learn about the CCPA and how Osano can help

    • GDPR

      Achieve compliance with one of the world’s most comprehensive data privacy laws

    • By Organization Type
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      Don’t let data privacy compliance get in the way of growth

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      Preserve your competitive edge

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      Manage data privacy at scale

    • By Use Case
    • Path
      Consent Management

      Manage consent without the complexity

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      DSAR Automation

      Never miss a DSAR deadline again

    • Icon (15)
      Vendor Risk Management

      Regain insight and control over your customers’ data

    • Icon (16)
      Privacy Program Management

      Build and grow an end-to-end privacy program

  • Resources
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      Expert insights on all things privacy

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      Resource Center

      Key resources to further your data privacy education

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      U.S. Data Privacy Laws

      A guide to data privacy in the U.S.

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      Research the most essential privacy topics

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      Customer Stories

      Meet some of the 5,000+ leaders using Osano to transform their privacy

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      Upcoming webinars and in-person events designed for privacy professionals

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    How to Migrate Your Data Map in 5 Easy Steps

    Let’s say you want more out of your data map: More visibility,...

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      No fines, no penalties

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How We Work.


You were hired because we believe you will be great at your job! We assume you know what you are doing. You won’t be hounded about details or constantly subject to check-ins on progress. As an employee at Osano, you are expected to perform at a high level.


We have regular feedback cycles and care deeply about developing talent. We’ll be honest and upfront about whether you’re being effective, as well as areas for improvement. If we say you are doing great, it means you are doing great. No BS!


This doesn’t mean we won’t pay attention to performance. Your performance will be judged in three ways: Your interactions with the rest of the team. Your interactions with the organization. The performance of your duties based upon metrics and goals that we agree are important to your success.


We are highly competitive and expect to win at everything we do. We don’t run around yelling and screaming, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t deeply passionate about the cause. We are running a marathon, not a sprint. But WE DO believe it is a race. You always need to work smart, and at times you’ll need to work hard and long, too.


You don’t just work for Osano, you are part of Osano. You are expected to represent the company publicly and present the appropriate image. Customers, employees, vendors and the public will all associate your behaviors with the company.


We all need to balance the concerns of our shareholders, employees, and customers and not only represent your personal view of your role.


We expect you to disagree with your teammates sometimes! That’s okay, and even welcomed. Your opinions are one of the reasons why we hired you, and we want to hear them.


It’s important that you get concerns off of your chest quickly. Resentments fester, and they create more resentments. If you have a problem or concern, please bring it up as soon as possible, and we will help to resolve the concern.


The entire team is busy, but that’s not a reason to avoid engaging your manager when you need them. You are their number one responsibility, so talk to them whenever you feel it’s appropriate. You aren’t being annoying. Their job is to serve you.


Okay, so: When should you engage your manager? Anytime your progress is impeded by another group and you cannot quickly resolve (meaning: within two emails and/or a conversation) the issue. That is their job as managers, to solve problems across the organization. You should feel safe to escalate quickly.


It’s not productive to complain to subordinates or peers about other team members, how they do their jobs or any circumstances related to the company. There’s simply no room for negativity at our company, because we have outlined the steps you -- and we -- can take to resolve problems that arise. If you have a complaint, bring it to your manager.


You should feel emboldened by a certain sense of autonomy here. That means: You don’t need to engage anyone if you’re making a decision within your area of responsibility. If you want someone’s opinion, it’s okay to ask for it, of course. But don’t feel the need to get approval within your scope. If you are unclear about the scope of your job, please discuss that with your manager.


We expect you to work with us as long as it is in your best interest to do so; and it’s our job to always make it in your best interest! If you find something has changed since you were hired, and working for Osano no longer makes sense for you, please let us know. You don’t owe us your loyalty.


We expect you to arrive on time for meetings with your manager, with peers, with customers, with vendors, and with any other party whom you are meeting with connected with your role here.


You are expected and required to be sober, clear-headed, focused and alert during work hours.


During business hours, it’s important to be prompt with messages to teammates. While we have a flexible work-location policy, we don’t have a flexible work-hour policy. If you need an adjustment to these work hours on a regular basis due to time zone, family or personal reasons, please talk to your manager so we can work on a schedule that works for you.


Each role has different tools at their disposal (morning check-ins, weekly progress updates, CRM, CMS, calendars, software tools). If there is a tool or process in place, we expect you to participate in that process and use that tool religiously, because we implemented it for a strategic reason. We strive for minimal process. If you think something can be done in a better way, please let us know. We love your ideas!

Finally and most importantly, you were hired because we saw something special in you. We saw something that made us believe that you have the skills, attitude, intelligence and drive to be successful at this company. We want you to be successful personally and professionally and if we can be of help or if you ever just need to have a confidential conversation, we are here to support you.
