2 Major Obstacles Privacy Newbies Face (and How to Overcome Them)
Martial artists use a colored belt system to denote their expertise....
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Data privacy can feel abstract. Privacy professionals may be better equipped to wrap their heads around the concepts than the general population. But even professionals struggle when it comes to operationalizing those concepts.
Take data mapping. Yes, it’s a foundational data privacy compliance activity. Yes, it makes downstream compliance activities more efficient. But what’s the best way to build a data map?
Maybe you’ve asked yourself this very question; maybe you’d like to see a data mapping solution in action without having to schedule a demo call. Either way, this is the webinar for you. In it, Osano experts will walk through what a real-life implementation of an Osano-powered data map looks like. We’ll get down to business and clarify the uncertainties of on-the-ground data map implementation.
That data mapping implementations don't have to be frightening! With the right solutions and expertise, they can be straightforward and pain-free.
How data maps enable downstream compliance activities and make privacy professionals’ lives easier.
What the Osano approach to data mapping looks like and how to hit the ground running with your data map.
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