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Ever try hammering in a nail with a screwdriver? It’s possible to do in a pinch, but you wouldn't build a house in this way; you'd only cause damage and slow yourself down. Having the right tool for the job makes all the difference. Just like getting your team the software tools they need can be the difference between exceeding your quarterly goals or planning for another round of layoffs.

Privacy plays a critical role in software procurement. Without proper privacy reviews, new tools that put your users’ and employees’ data at risk may be unknowingly purchased and onboarded. This can lead to steep consequences, including regulatory fines and negative headlines. However, privacy reviews that take too long slow down the procurement cycle and can keep critical capabilities out of the hands of the people who need them.

It’s a delicate balancing act to protect your organization while also empowering teams to move fast. This is why Osano is introducing external vendor assessments. Now, the same privacy management platform you rely on for world-class consent management, subject rights management, and vendor monitoring also sets you up for success when you need to evaluate the privacy impact of new vendors.

Vendor assessments with Osano

In addition to the existing DPIA and RoPA templates, Osano now includes templates for vendor privacy and vendor security. Built by Osano’s privacy experts, these new templates are based on the NIST privacy and security frameworks. These new templates are designed for your external vendors to fill out during your procurement process. As such, Osano now includes the ability to assign any template to an external user by inputting their email address. Users receive an email notification that they have a new assessment to fill out and a link to the new Osano Assessments portal.

To see Osano’s new assessment in action, check out this demo:

Getting started with Osano Assessments is easy. Log in to your Osano account and navigate to the assessments section of the app. Then, simply create a new assessment, choose a template, and assign users to complete the assessment. 

Schedule a demo of Osano today

Privacy Policy Checklist

Are you in the process of refreshing your current privacy policy or building a whole new one? Are you scratching your head over what to include? Use this interactive checklist to guide you.

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