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DSAR Voice Forms allow end-users to dial a phone number to submit data subject access requests rather than filling out the web form itself.

Introducing Data-Subject Access Request (DSAR) Voice Forms.  Given the ever-increasing need to handle data-subject access requests, DSAR Voice Forms allow end-users to dial a phone number to submit data subject access requests rather than filling out the web form itself. Data subject access requests are a consumer tool provided under European and California privacy laws. Companies covered by the EU General Data Protection Regulation or the California Consumer Privacy Act have to provide users with the information you've collected about them and how you're using it. Generally, those requests come in written form.

Specifically, the GDPR says data subjects should be able to exercise their right to data collected about them and should be able to "exercise that right easily and at reasonable intervals." They should have the right to "know and obtain communication" from a company about why their data is being processed, who has access to it, the logic on which the data is being processed and "at least when based on profiling, the consequences of such processing." 

Under the GDPR, companies can't charge a fee for a DSAR, and they have to be filled within 30 days of receipt.

But the California Consumer Privacy Act goes further and requires businesses that have an offline component to maintain a phone line to accept data subject access request submissions. Under the CCPA, DSARS must be fulfilled within 45 days of receipt, compared to the GDPR's one-month timeframe.

Osano's Voice Forms allow for a voice-to-text translation, automating the DSAR submission process. Transcripts and recordings will be accessible alongside submissions, so our customers can ensure the accuracy of requests. 

Why does this matter?

Call centers and call agents are a significant expense. They require companies to hire and train agents and have enough agents on call at all hours to handle incoming requests. That's why companies often outsource call center agents. The DSAR Voice Form means Osano customers can cut costs by eliminating the need for a live, trained agent.

DSAR Voice Form helps you:

  • Comply with GDPR rules on data subject access requests
  • Comply with California privacy law rules on data subject access requests
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